

主演:Joe Cocker,Pam Cocker,Vic Cocker






  The turbulent life of soul and blues singer, the late Joe Cocker. A former gas fitter from Sheffield , catapulted to world stardom in 1969 at Woodstock with his legendary performance of the Beatles song,"A Little Help from My Friends". But in the early 1970s, Joe Cocker's inner demons nearly killed him. Overcoming his struggles with alcohol and drugs, he rebuilt his reputation as "one of the great primal rock and roll vocalists of all time" (Billy Joel's description). The film mixes Joe Cocker's own words, with rare archive. His family, friends and the legendary songwriters and musicians he collaborated with, tell Joe Cocker's story. The film has raw, electric performance footage throughout.双全曼哈顿历险记石棉第一季炽爱2022斗魂之熊孩子公平的爱青年将军高约单亲度假村(粤语版)极速的浪漫青春穿越烽火线电影版涤罪天使巴黎在燃烧小丑2019英雄2019爱我,你别走柯达克罗姆胶卷无尽的爱2014长江一号大汉风之霸王别姬替身标靶第一季古村女人平静的拳头美国恐怖故事第六季川味 第三季 四川话离婚了就别再来找我魔法耳光初吻50次脆弱的英雄警匪较量珠三角冲浪少年谢谢你医生只手遮天1980鸽哨释放未出局恐怖照相机关中刀客之仁厨子萨拉热窝事件2014隔窗恋爱:咫尺相望坦克战摩天雄鹰杀戮本性第一季人间昆虫记1996八面威风探长薇拉第十二季



每一次的表演都是用尽全力 太富有感情太有张力的声音表演者

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