







  Brian Cox tackles some of the most challenging and intriguing questions facing science today by using his best material from past programmes and the latest scientific research.  Episodes include…  Space: How Far Can We Go?(太空:我们对宇宙的探索能走多远?)  Brian believes we are at the start of a new age of space travel, where space flight is on the verge of becoming routine. In this episode, he explores the latest science and takes a new look at his old films and asks: how far can we go in our exploration of the cosmos?  Aliens: Are We Alone?(外星人:人类是唯一的吗?)  Brian Cox looks at our attempts to answer one of the most profound questions we can ask – are we alone in the universe? In this film, he explains why this search should be taken seriously.  What Is Gravity?(什么是引力?)  Brian takes a fresh look at the concept of gravity, revealing it to be far more than just the force that makes things fall to the ground.  What is Time?(什么是时间?)  Brian explores the enigma of time – a phenomenon that we take for granted but which, as far as physicists are concerned, is one of the biggest mysteries in the universe.红孩儿大话火焰山反恐特警组第三季重返哈彻河口三十九级台阶遗愿清单2007人生七年1誓言的秘密耶稣基督:走出埃及情劫第十三位使徒第一季末日之塔目莲救母孩奴雄起!帕西法尔安妮+竭尽全力艺伎回忆录最后生死恋长夜绵绵追捕连环杀手第二季宴会日湘江北去30次约会亚洲之爱红橡树第三季布洛克岛秘音丈夫的秘密2012金色手杖战士天降机器女仆熊记(国语版)寅次郎的故事18:寅次郎纯情诗集大宋悲情帝姬传普通一兵黄飞鸿之四:王者之风若你安好便是晴天超模教练留住最后一支舞大佬2000段友出征




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